Friday, June 14, 2013

BLOG TOUR STOP!!! Rose by Alison Chaffin Higson

by Alison Chaffin Higson


Mackenzie (Mack) Harper is a twenty-four year old school teacher who moves to Rose Cottage in Cape Elizabeth for the summer. She arrives with her six year old nephew, Lucas, who’s staying with her for a few weeks ¬while his parents are in Europe.

Placing storage boxes on top of the kitchen cabinets, Mack finds a diary, opening it to the first page it reads, ‘This is the diary of a Rose, dated March 4th, 1947’. Settling down to read this diary, Mack discovers a love story between Rose and a man named Jacob Evans.

Realizing that Jacob is still alive and around eighty-eight years old, Mack tries to contact him to tell him Rose’s story. She leaves a message with Jacob’s housekeeper and hopes that he returns her call.

While talking to her sister on the phone she watches a, denim and leather clad, guy dismount his Harley and move in next door. Unbeknown to Mack, he’s Jacob’s thirty-two year old grandson, Dean, who has come to Cape Elizabeth to find out why she wants to talk to his grandfather about a diary and to make sure she isn’t after his grandfather’s money.

Within an hour of actually meeting, Dean has his hands on her legs, although due to spilled coffee, he discovers he can’t stop touching her. Dean was only too glad to escape to Cape Elizabeth, away from his mother, who wants him to be married to Cynthia, her friend’s daughter, who he has no interest in.

Together Mack and Dean try to unravel the mystery of what actually happened to Rose in 1947.

Thomas Degan the owner of Rose Cottage is a loveable eighty year old man who befriends Lucas, taking him fishing and spends time with him reading ‘Our Gang’ Comics.

All these characters come together in a story of loss, love and friendship.

My Review:

So to start, I absolutely love a good romance book, even the ones that leave me hanging over several books (I still get mad though, but I love them).  The thing I found MOST enjoying about "Rose" is that there was not one love story, but two.  Neither fall flat, both are HOT and so damn heart-achingly sweet.  At first when I realized that the diary was actually being played out, I was skeptical but am so glad that it was and it played out so well.

Okay before I go too much further in my review.  I want you to meet the characters as I saw them....well Mack and Dean anyway :P


She's a school teacher that takes her six year old nephew on vacation with her while her sister and brother-n-law head off to tour Europe.  She takes him up to Maine from Boston where she rents a place called "Rose Cottage".


Dean is the grandson of Jacob's.  He travels up to Maine to "Rose Cottage" to find out why this mystery woman wants to talk to his grandfather.  Little did he know this investigative trip would change his life.

So, the book starts out with her driving up with her nephew Lucas.  Lucas is a riot through the whole book.  He is your typical six year old that repeats everything he hears...even if he shouldn't  LMAO!!!

"But daddy told mommy that she would learn a lot if she read the type of books you read, instead of her boring magazines.  I like to learn,".... ~Lucas~

"Auntie Mack, it's the very hot guy with the gorgeous butt you want to get your hands on,".... ~Lucas~

As you can see, Lucas is a riot.  He has you laughing constantly throughout the book.  As does Thomas, the owner of "Rose Cottage" and new friend of Mack and Lucas'.  I absolutely loved Lucas and Thomas together.  Which is funny because Thomas is 80 an the two of them are like two peas in a pod. Hahaha!  As a mom of three, I know these kind of antics and no filter on the words coming out of their mouths all too well.  It was great!

The diary (which is Jacob and Rose's love story) was picturesque of love at first sight.  However Rose suffered from an overbearing meddling father who though of himself only nothing more.  (I'm still angry about the shit he pulled on his own kids and wife UGH!)

Then when Dean enters the picture and things start boiling for him and Mack...You pull for them, swoon over him, and cheer for her.  I instantly liked Dean.  Though he wen there on investigative purposes and he lied about who he was....He really was a likable...No lovable guy.  I like him.  The heat between them you could feel jumping off the pages as their eyes met for the first time.  

"Hey, not funny.  He can get his own girl.  You're mine."  Dean pulled Mack back into his arms, laughing.
Suddenly, she was all serious and looked up at Dean.  "Am I really?"
Dean stopped laughing and caressed Mack's face.  He pushed hair back from her forehead.  "I've never felt like this before, but yes, you are."  He placed a lingering kiss to her lips.
"Auntie Mack, are you making breakfast?"
Thomas chuckled.  "I think she wants to be making something else, buddy."

I absolutely LOVED that part.  Thomas and Lucas really never ceased to make me laugh aside from when Thomas made me cry (my heart broke for him).  There is also this dinner party.  I was laughing my ass off!!!  Won't go into detail on that, but boy howdy LMAO!!!!  HILARIOUS!!

This story was good start to finish.  The story was very well written and strong character development.  I truly felt a part of it and bawled my eyes out some of the pain they experienced.  I cannot say again how much I loved this book.  


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